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« Takaisin


D-renkaat Combined with a belt slide (sold separately) the D-ring is the best way to create an attachment point on soft webbing. D-rings available in 2-inch, low profile (AC1063), 2-inch with a 3/16-inch diameter (HW1062) 2-inch bent at 45 degree angle (HW1062)and 2-inch with 1/4-inch diameter (HW1018). Made of marine grade 316 stainless steel, our heavy-duty D-rings are designed for saltwater use.

#HW1018, #HW1062, #HW1062BENT, #HW1063
Hinta alk.1.50 €


Tuote Hinta
1" suora1.50 €
2" suora2.90 €
2" taivutettu2.90 €
2" suora paksumpi2.90 €