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« Takaisin

iQ UV Thermo Shortie Swordfish, 3mm Lasten märkäpuku

Kids Neoprene Shorty (2-13 years) 

Huom! Mitta on ilmoitettu kaulus-haara-niska 

  • very high UV-protection factor (SPF) blocks more than 99% of the dangerous UV-A and UV-B radiation
  • Perfect protection from cold, protects from cooling out at long stays in the water
  • Front zipper for comfortable putting on and taking off
  • Reliable protection from jellyfish and other cnidarians
  • Ideal for calm and wild play in and by the water
  • Neoprene 3 mm


Hinta:35.00 €


80-86 cm / 1 years, sininen
128 cm. sininen
140-146 cm / 8-9 years, sininen
92 cm / 2 years, punainen

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Snorkeling Full Suit 3 mm, Kids Aqualung

3mm yksiosainen märkäpuku lapsille.
3mm yksiosainen märkäpuku lapsille. Märkäpuku on valmistettu erittäin joustavasta neopreenista, minkä ansiosta se ei jää heti pieneksi lapsen kasvaessa. Mitoitus:

S = 112-132 cm
M = 132-142 cm
L = 140-152 cm
XL = 147-160 cm
XXL = 157-167 cm
XXXL = 160-170 cm..
Hinta: 79.00 €95.00 €

iQ UV Thermo Shortie Swordfish 2mm, Kids

Huom! Mitta on ilmoitettu kaulus-haara-niska 

A perfect protection against the cold for our children plus a perfect UV protection 50 + for snorkeling, swimming and all other water sports under the sun. The rugged 2mm neoprene material ensures the children's sensitive skin from sun rays and hypothermia..
Hinta: 35.00 €45.00 €
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