Apeks XTX 50 Nitrox, HAPPIPUHDAS.
- Painebalansoitu erinomaista suorituskykyä varten
- Kuivakammio on vakiovaruste
- 4 matalapaineulostuloa 3/8" UNF
- 2 korkeapaineulostuloa 7/16" UNF
- Kiillotettu, kromattu pintakäsittely
- M26 liitäntä vakiona
- 5/8" DIN liitäntä saatavissa lisäasennuksena(+30€)
- Lujavalmisteinen annostimen kansi
- Sukeltajan säädettävissä oleva hengitysvastuksen säätö
- Porrastettu virtauksensäätövipu, liikuttamisen kuulee
- Annostimen kätisyys on vaihdettavissa
- Comfobite -suukappale
- Sopii käytettäväksi kylmissä vesissä
The 2nd stage has a larger purge button which is easier for diver use and also offers a dual flow rate purge for different operations. We have also redesigned the diver adjustable controls with improved ergonomics on the venturi lever and the Cracking Resistance Control. The 2nd stage is now manufactured with active protection against infection as all moulded parts are made with an additive that kills MRSA, protects against E-Coli, bacteria and fungi and is also very effective against viruses, mould, yeast and algae. Imitation is of course flattering and there are copies of our equipment. Our regulators are made to high standards in the most advanced factory in the world for regulator design and manufacture with exceptional quality controls. We don't make regulators for anyone else, so to ensure you get an authentic Apeks regulator our branding is now clearly visible on both the 1st and 2nd stages of the new Nitrox XTX50.
This regulator (as with all Apeks Nitrox regulators) is suitable for use up to 100% O2. All Nitrox Apeks regulators are specially colour co-ordinated as per the illustrations shown here. The New XTX50 Nitrox is the entry level Apeks Nitrox regulator. It is suitable for both warm and cold waters, features a balanced 1st and 2nd stage for easy breathing, and incorporates a venturi control. For in-depth features please refer to the details of the standard version of the New XTX50.
The entire range of new XTX regulators are supplied with our strong, flexible, lightweight hoses manufactured at Apeks factory.
Every aspect of the new Nitrox XTX50 has been thought about to bring the whole unit together so that it not only performs exceptionally well but also looks great.