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Ursuit Takki TechWear. Softshell
Tyylikäs musta softshell -takki hihaheijastimilla, vettähylkivä materiaali ja roisketiiviit vetoketjut.
Selässä iso Ursuit -logo.Materiaali 96% polyesteri, 4% spandex.
Selässä iso Ursuit -logo.Materiaali 96% polyesteri, 4% spandex.
Hinta: 95.00 €
The MTX-R is based on the MTX, a regulator that was developed in accordance with the United States Navy Experimental Dive Unit extreme cold water test. Innovations in design mean that the MTX-R regulator performs in almost freezing water at a depth of over 60 metres, something that very..
The MTX-R is based on the MTX, a regulator that was developed in accordance with the United States Navy Experimental Dive Unit extreme cold water test. Innovations in design mean that the MTX-R regulator performs in almost freezing water at a depth of over 60 metres, something that very..
Hinta: 200.00 €
Cressi Gara Modular Impulse
The Gara Modular system introduced by Cressi makes this a perfect choice for deep freediving and spearfishing for divers of all levels. The modular design lets the user replace / interchange blades for specific diving purposes, which make the perfect fin to grow with, as the diver can change blades..
Hinta: 120.00 €
Dive Rite, Neoprene Hood 5mm
Diverite Neopreenihuppu 5mm, Lämmin ja mukava. Sopii myös jääsukelluksiin.
Kaulurissa seal-pinta, joka vähentää veden vaihtumista sukelluspukuun kauluksen kautta.
huom! Koot ovat pieniä, joten kannattaa valita reilumpi koko. (M=S ja XXL=XL)
Designed for use with our 905 Drysuits, the Neoprene Hood..
Kaulurissa seal-pinta, joka vähentää veden vaihtumista sukelluspukuun kauluksen kautta.
huom! Koot ovat pieniä, joten kannattaa valita reilumpi koko. (M=S ja XXL=XL)
Designed for use with our 905 Drysuits, the Neoprene Hood..
Hinta: 40.00 €
Ursuit huppari
Musta huppari Ursuit -logolla. Vetoketju edessä. Taskut molemmin puolin
Hinta: 85.00 €
Sea Horse S-XXL(oranssi, musta, vihreä)
Kuivapuku alan huipulta vaativimmallekin harrastajalle. Sea Horse -kuivapukuun on koottu pelastuspukujen kaikki hyvät ominaisuudet. Sen ergonomisuus on aivan omaa luokkaansa ja käyttömukavuus on ylivoimainen. Sea Horse on saavuttanut suuren suosion erityisesti kalastajien keskuudessa, mutta..
Kuivapuku alan huipulta vaativimmallekin harrastajalle. Sea Horse -kuivapukuun on koottu pelastuspukujen kaikki hyvät ominaisuudet. Sen ergonomisuus on aivan omaa luokkaansa ja käyttömukavuus on ylivoimainen. Sea Horse on saavuttanut suuren suosion erityisesti kalastajien keskuudessa, mutta..
Hinta: 1 569.00 €
Suunto Vyper Novo
Vakaa, nitroksitoiminnoilla varustettu sukellustietokone valinnaisella ilmaintegroinnilla edistyneille sukeltajille
Valinnainen langaton ilmaintegrointi – reaaliaikainen säiliöpaine ja jäljellä oleva ilma-aika
Sisäänrakennettu kallistuskompensoitu digitaalinen 3D-kompassi
Valinnainen langaton ilmaintegrointi – reaaliaikainen säiliöpaine ja jäljellä oleva ilma-aika
Sisäänrakennettu kallistuskompensoitu digitaalinen 3D-kompassi
Hinta: 309.00 €383.00 €
Suunto CB:lle Zoop Novo/Vyper Novo Boot
Suunto Zoop Novo ja Vyper Novo -laitteiden combo-kiinnikkeellä voit kiinnittää sukellustietokoneen Suunto Combo -konsoliin. Mukana toimitetaan suojus...
Hinta: 20.00 €
One-piece shorty in 3 mm double-lined neoprene perfect for snorkelling, swimming, sailing, and water sports in general. Lightweight and easy to put on, it offers excellent freedom of movement.
Smooth neoprene exterior chest/back region. Rear zip. Adjustable collar with Velcro closure.
kokotaulukko: https://www..
Smooth neoprene exterior chest/back region. Rear zip. Adjustable collar with Velcro closure.
kokotaulukko: https://www..
Hinta: 110.00 €
Lenhandt&Wagner 100 B Honda 4hp
Paineilmakompressori, Bensiini
LW 100 B
The gasoline-powered LW 100 B is a particularly lightweight and reliable air compressor. It's a very low maintenance compressor and ideal for mobile use. Due to the seawater resistant stainless steel frame and the painted block it is very popular in seawater environments..
LW 100 B
The gasoline-powered LW 100 B is a particularly lightweight and reliable air compressor. It's a very low maintenance compressor and ideal for mobile use. Due to the seawater resistant stainless steel frame and the painted block it is very popular in seawater environments..
Hinta: 3 844.00 €
Vedenpitävä putkikassi rullattavalla sulkumekanismilla. Erinomainen pienvarustekassi sukeltajille, veneilijöille, retkeilijöille ja muille jotka haluavat säilyttää varusteet kuivina. Läpinäkyvän etuosan ansiosta on helppo nähdä, mitä kassiin on pakattu.
Hinta: 22.00 €
5 mm käsineet - Neopreeni, Fourth Element
5 mm käsineet ovat tehty joustavasta neopreenista. Tiiviit saumat minimoivat veden pääsyn hanskojen sisälle.
Hinta: 38.00 €59.00 €
Neopreenisukka,1,5mmUltra Stretch Socks 1,5 MM
Created in extremely supple, 1.5 mm thick, double-linedUltraspan neoprene, these boots have non-slip and anti-wear soles and an Aquastop seal in single-lined neoprene at the top. They are perfect for all indoor and outdoor water sports thanks to the high protection and thermal function that they offer..
Hinta: 32.00 €
Cressi Gara Modular LD
An interchangeable blade which is very lightweight and reactive and also well-adapted for the most demanding of free-diving use.
Thanks to its specific and exclusive design, it’s more propulsive when passing through the leg-kick, which gives an optimum return of the blade.
The foot-pocket..
Thanks to its specific and exclusive design, it’s more propulsive when passing through the leg-kick, which gives an optimum return of the blade.
The foot-pocket..
Hinta: 89.00 €120.00 €
Safer Swimmer kelluke huolehtii turvallisuudestasi avovesiuinnin aikana sekä kuljettaa pienen määrän tavaraa mukanasi.
If you need something tougher, the heavy-duty swimming safety device (aka TPU version) is for you. It will withstand much rougher usage and water conditions, so it performs well in..
If you need something tougher, the heavy-duty swimming safety device (aka TPU version) is for you. It will withstand much rougher usage and water conditions, so it performs well in..
Hinta: 39.00 €
Cressi Spring Straps. kantajousipari avokantaräpylään
Kantajouset avokataräpylöihin
Yleismalliset klipsit. Sopivat useimpiin malleihin ja merkkeihin.
Paketti sisältää 2 kpl kantajousia Koot: S-M
Yleismalliset klipsit. Sopivat useimpiin malleihin ja merkkeihin.
Paketti sisältää 2 kpl kantajousia Koot: S-M
Hinta: 28.00 €
Jon Line
Diverite Yhteysnaru
echnical divers use a jon line to maintain a certain depth when ascent lines are crowded with other divers or when the current is ripping. Our Jon Line easily clips onto an anchor line or down line and is also easy to remove. Available in two designs, the Jon Line can be purchased..
echnical divers use a jon line to maintain a certain depth when ascent lines are crowded with other divers or when the current is ripping. Our Jon Line easily clips onto an anchor line or down line and is also easy to remove. Available in two designs, the Jon Line can be purchased..
Hinta: 50.00 €
Cressi King, Free diving computer
• High contrast display • Easy access menu • 12/24 time format with calendar and seconds • Precision stopwatch • Timer (countdown) • Second time setting • Alarm clock • Backlit display • Tide indicator • Low battery indicator..
• High contrast display • Easy access menu • 12/24 time format with calendar and seconds • Precision stopwatch • Timer (countdown) • Second time setting • Alarm clock • Backlit display • Tide indicator • Low battery indicator..
Hinta: 268.00 €
Aqua Lung Dive Jacket 5,5mm Men
Aqua Lung Dive puvun yläosa miesten Safaga takkiosa kiinteällä hupulla. Suositellaan käytettäväksi kylmissä olosuhteissa yhdessä haalariosan kanssa. Miehille ja naisille eri muotoilu puvuissa.
Hinta: 110.00 €
One-piece shorty in 3 mm double-lined neoprene perfect for snorkelling, swimming, sailing, and water sports in general. Lightweight and easy to put on, it offers excellent freedom of movement.
Smooth neoprene exterior chest/back region. Rear zip. Adjustable collar with Velcro closure.
kokokartta: https://www..
Smooth neoprene exterior chest/back region. Rear zip. Adjustable collar with Velcro closure.
kokokartta: https://www..
Hinta: 110.00 €
Pro Star Fins. Cressi
Snorklaus, vapaasukellus, laitesukellus
Pro star is yet another versatile fin in the cressi line and is an exceptional choice for scuba, snorkeling and freediving. Inspired by the pro light, the pro star is a lightweight and comfortable full foot pocket style fin. For power transference..
Pro star is yet another versatile fin in the cressi line and is an exceptional choice for scuba, snorkeling and freediving. Inspired by the pro light, the pro star is a lightweight and comfortable full foot pocket style fin. For power transference..
Hinta: 47.00 €
Focus optinen linssi
Optinen linssi Focus maskiin
Optical Lens for Focus
Progressive lenses optional, from 1. 00 to 8. 00 diopters with 0. 5 diopter intervals
Optical Lens for Focus
Progressive lenses optional, from 1. 00 to 8. 00 diopters with 0. 5 diopter intervals
Hinta: 44.00 €
Apeks Stage 3 Flight DIN Green
Kaikki mitä tarvitset yhdessä kätevässä matkailu paketissa! Apeks Flight ensimmäinen, toinen ja octo!
Product description
Flight has been designed primarily for the travel diver. If you plan to dive mainly in colder waters below 10C then we would recommend the Apeks XTX range which has been specifically..
Product description
Flight has been designed primarily for the travel diver. If you plan to dive mainly in colder waters below 10C then we would recommend the Apeks XTX range which has been specifically..
Hinta: 380.00 €494.00 €
Cressi Gara Professional LD
Kilparäpylä vapaasukeltajille.
The Gara Professional LD is a high performance fin, requiring minimum effort to load the long blades. They are more forgiving than other long blade fins for untrained legs, making this an excellent choice for deep free divers and spearfishers of all..
Kilparäpylä vapaasukeltajille.
The Gara Professional LD is a high performance fin, requiring minimum effort to load the long blades. They are more forgiving than other long blade fins for untrained legs, making this an excellent choice for deep free divers and spearfishers of all..
Hinta: 98.00 €118.00 €
TransPlate Harness / Hihnasto
Diverite Hihnasto
Huo. Levy ja hihnasto myydään erikseen.
A hybrid harness designed for divers who want the support of a backpack-style harness for better weight-load distribution, yet wish to dive a hard metal backplate. Designed like a mountaineer's backpack, the TransPlate harness disperses..
Huo. Levy ja hihnasto myydään erikseen.
A hybrid harness designed for divers who want the support of a backpack-style harness for better weight-load distribution, yet wish to dive a hard metal backplate. Designed like a mountaineer's backpack, the TransPlate harness disperses..
Hinta: 177.00 €
Kantajousi avokantaräpylään, pari
Kantajouset avokataräpylöihin
Yleismalliset klipsit. Sopivat useimpiin malleihin ja merkkeihin.
Paketti sisältää 2 kpl kantajousia Koot: S-M
Yleismalliset klipsit. Sopivat useimpiin malleihin ja merkkeihin.
Paketti sisältää 2 kpl kantajousia Koot: S-M
Hinta: 28.00 €
Aqua Lung Tasapaonotusliivi
Hyväkuntoinen Liivi S koko. Pneumaattinen ilmansyöttövipu. Huollettuna
Hinta: 127.00 €
Superocchio kolmipistehihnalla
Cressi Superocchio, jossa kolmipistekiinnityshihna valmiiksi asennettuna
Hinta: 65.00 €